disciples making disciples who make disciples


disciples making disciples who make disciples

By Jenny Dow 29 May, 2024
As we conclude our journey through John Wooden's Pyramid of Success, this week is dedicated to reflection and application. It's a time to consider how each principle we've explored can be lived out in alignment with our Christian faith, especially within the context of coaching. Let's take this opportunity to look back on what we've learned and set intentions for how we will carry these lessons forward. Wooden's Wisdom: John Wooden's approach to success was not just about winning games but about building character and leading a life of purpose. As we reflect on his teachings, let's consider how each principle—from Industriousness to Faith and Sincerity—can guide us not only in our coaching but in our personal growth and spiritual journey. God's Reflection: "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!'" (Matthew 25:21, CSB) "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9, CSB) These scriptures remind us of the rewards that come from faithful service and the strength we find in God's presence, encouraging us to lead with courage and conviction. Application: As we reflect on our journey through the Pyramid of Success, let's identify the principles that have challenged us the most and consider why. How can we address these challenges moving forward? Let's set concrete goals for integrating these values into our coaching, ensuring that our actions reflect our faith and the lessons we've learned. Reflection Questions: Which of Wooden's principles have I found most challenging to integrate into my coaching? Why? How will I commit to applying these principles and my faith in my future coaching endeavors? Closing: As we close this chapter, let's carry forward the wisdom and insights we've gained, committed to applying John Wooden's principles and our Christian faith in all aspects of our coaching and lives. Here's to a future of continued growth, leadership, and success, both on and off the field.
By Jenny Dow 22 May, 2024
As we continue our journey, this week we focus on the virtues of Faith and Sincerity. These principles are not only at the heart of John Wooden's philosophy but also deeply entrenched in Christian values. They guide us to live and lead with authenticity, reflecting our true beliefs and convictions in every action. Wooden's Wisdom: John Wooden believed in the power of sincerity in one's beliefs and actions, anchored by a deep-seated faith. He taught that our approach to life, as well as coaching, should be underpinned by these values, ensuring that our external actions reflect our internal convictions. God's Reflection: "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1, CSB) "For our boast is this: the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you." (2 Corinthians 1:12, CSB) These scriptures remind us of the importance of living out our faith with sincerity, trusting in God's plan even when the path is not visible, and conducting ourselves with integrity and authenticity. Application: Let’s consider how our faith informs our sincerity and authenticity in our roles. How can we ensure that our coaching practice is a true reflection of our beliefs and values? In what ways can we more fully integrate our faith into our interactions and decisions, to serve as a model of genuine leadership? Reflection Questions: How does my faith inform my sincerity and authenticity as a coach? In what ways can I more fully integrate my faith into my coaching practice? As we reflect on these questions, let's challenge ourselves to live and lead with unwavering faith and sincerity, demonstrating the profound impact of authentic leadership on those we guide and influence. Closing: May the virtues of Faith and Sincerity illuminate our path, inspiring us to lead with conviction and authenticity. Here's to a week of deep reflection and meaningful integration of these principles into our coaching and our lives.
By Jenny Dow 15 May, 2024
Week 10! We've explored various virtues that contribute to both personal growth and team success. This week, we’re spotlighting Resourcefulness, Fight, and Patience—qualities that not only propel us toward success but also resonate deeply with the Christian journey of navigating faith through trials. Wooden's Wisdom: John Wooden taught the value of being resourceful in overcoming obstacles, the importance of fighting through adversity with determination, and the virtue of patience in achieving our goals. These qualities are essential in developing not just a winning team but individuals of strong character and resilience. God's Reflection: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7, CSB) "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (James 1:2-4, CSB) These passages encourage me to face challenges with courage and perseverance, reminding us that trials refine our character and strengthen our faith. Application: Let’s reflect on how we've demonstrated resourcefulness in navigating coaching challenges and how patience has guided us through difficult times. How can we continue to fight through adversity, drawing inspiration from biblical examples of perseverance and faith? Reflection Questions: How have I demonstrated resourcefulness and patience in my coaching challenges? What biblical examples of perseverance can inspire me to maintain faith during trials? As we contemplate these questions, let's strive to embody these virtues in our coaching, our leadership, and our lives, understanding that true success comes from overcoming challenges with grace, determination, and faith. Closing: May the qualities of Resourcefulness, Fight, and Patience guide us as we move forward, inspired by Wooden's wisdom and the profound examples of faith and perseverance found in Scripture. Here's to growing stronger together, in character and in spirit.


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Spring Launch

 Billings FCA Sports


This winter we launched our inaugural FCA Sports Seasons in Billings with FCA Ascent Volleyball and an all-ages Pickleball League.  Click the button below for more information. 
FCA Sports in Billings
 Billings Sports Camps

2024 Central Team Retreat


Getting Prepped for Another Great Season!

When: August 12-14

Where: Plenty Rocks Ranch Cody, WY

Cost: $200 (Fundraising Opportunities Available)

Who: All Central Volleyball Players

Includes: All Meals, Whitewater Rafting, Cody Rodeo, Horseback Riding, Team Unity, Personal Growth and Team Alignment Sessions.



When: September 6th, 2024

Where: Peter Yegen Golf Course

Who: All Golfers who want to have FUN


This year we are growing in our Huddle environments.  We have new schools launching athlete huddles, and new coaches huddles forming as well.  With all this growth comes an expanded financial need to provide food and resources for each of these huddles.  Please consider partnering with us through a tax-deductible monthly or one-time gift by clicking the button below! 
Donate to the Huddle Fund

Volunteer Opportunities

We are daily asking God to send workers into the harvest fields as he tells us to do in Matthew 9:38. Would you like to learn more about how you could
get involved in the local FCA ministry? We have a
wide variety of volunteer opportunities available.


All-Ability Camp last summer was more fun than words!  Take a look at some of the highlight photos.  Then, sign up to be a buddy at camp above!
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 Our Billings FCA Staff

Jenny Dow

Area Director

I am humbled and excited to have the opportunity to serve the Lord by joining the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I am ministering to coaches and athletes throughout the greater Yellowstone County area. I grew up playing any and every sport I could get involved in. As a kid, I may have spent more hours on a field and with my coached than I did at home. This led to me competing a s a high school and collegiate athlete. I have spent the last twenty-four years in ministry with middle school and High school students and I am so excited to be called into this full-time ministry role with FCA.

As Paul wrote in 1 Timothy, Chapter 1, I am eternally grateful as, "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that He considered me faithful, appointing me to His service." My passion is high school and college coaches and athletes, and I am thrilled for this opportunity for full-time ministry which will consist of discipleship, training, equipping and encouraging the coaches, athletes and parents in and around Billings.

My husband, Keith, and I are blessed to have two sons, Nolan and Liam. We are excited to see how the Lord will use our family in helping build His kingdom through the ministry of FCA.

Will you help us to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church?

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Billings FCA Ministries

Billings FCA Sports

Billings FCA Ministries

FCA YouVersion Bible Plans

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